We offer you ShoPPossessMe.com to publicly inform, audience promote and easy way create your online presence whenever you like. Our OnE Promotion Power – Platinum is your-Professional-step-solution for a vast & secure mobile-friendly Web page all about YOUR BUSINESS!
This solution firstly down cuts on large expenses or same sort extensive Website developments, not to mention a seriously necessarily time study on who-what-where-when-and-how-everything-actually-works? Mainly we can set you free from an essential graphic design, hosting, installing numerous modules, updates and the elaborate maintenance, let alone the almost non available full-time attention needed concerning Internet Marketing mumbo-jumbo 😛 .. though pretty significant
Why change a winning team! When your product/service is officially successful we would like you to maintain Platinum status within ShoPPossessMe.com to balance out the scales. We’re still aware about your need and know the importance to shift focus on higher level business management.
Save US $48,- on any initial annual set time-period active Platinum account.
OnE Promotion Power Platinum Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 10% per sale conversion, USD $0.85 per lead (click), USD $15,- per 100 views (search results), a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Platinum Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 5% per sale, USD $0,75 per lead, USD $10,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Gold Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s)) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 15% per sale, USD $0.95 per lead, USD $20,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Gold Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 10% per sale, USD $0,85 per lead, USD $15,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Silver Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 20% per sale, USD $1,05 per lead, USD $25,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Silver Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 15% per sale, USD $0,95 per lead, USD $20,- per 100 views, a timely offer
OnE Promotion Power Bronze Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 25% per sale, USD $1,15 per lead, USD $30,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Bronze Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 20% per sale, USD $1,05 per lead, USD $25,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Start Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 30% per sale (redirect tracking link), USD $1,25 per lead, USD $35,- per 100 views, a timely offer
OnE Promotion Power Start Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 25% per sale (redirect tracking link), USD $1,15 per lead, USD $30,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
Your Promotion budget (IM: Internet Marketing budget) maintains mandatory at any active account, fee will apply after any free-offer-time-period.
When/if your Promotion budget is not sufficient you will be alert notified to top-up your Promotion budget. Your One Promotion Power Account may gently be set to a "Public Hidden" status if related Promotion budget reached longer overdue insufficient status.
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OnE Promotion Power Platinum – Example
$390,00$354,00 USD Pricea wonderful easy way to instant share or sell your topic/item or products/services with beautiful secure Online presence
by ShoPPoSSeSS.Me .. your magic Boutique Shop Venue!
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We offer you ShoPPossessMe.com to publicly inform, audience promote and easy way create your online presence whenever you like. Our OnE Promotion Power – Platinum is your-Professional-step-solution for a vast & secure mobile-friendly Web page all about YOUR BUSINESS!
This solution firstly down cuts on large expenses or same sort extensive Website developments, not to mention a seriously necessarily time study on who-what-where-when-and-how-everything-actually-works? Mainly we can set you free from an essential graphic design, hosting, installing numerous modules, updates and the elaborate maintenance, let alone the almost non available full-time attention needed concerning Internet Marketing mumbo-jumbo 😛 .. though pretty significant
Why change a winning team! When your product/service is officially successful we would like you to maintain Platinum status within ShoPPossessMe.com to balance out the scales. We’re still aware about your need and know the importance to shift focus on higher level business management.
Additional information
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
Save US $48,- on any initial annual set time-period active Platinum account.
OnE Promotion Power Platinum Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 10% per sale conversion, USD $0.85 per lead (click), USD $15,- per 100 views (search results), a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Platinum Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 5% per sale, USD $0,75 per lead, USD $10,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Gold Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s)) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 15% per sale, USD $0.95 per lead, USD $20,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Gold Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 10% per sale, USD $0,85 per lead, USD $15,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Silver Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 20% per sale, USD $1,05 per lead, USD $25,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Silver Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 15% per sale, USD $0,95 per lead, USD $20,- per 100 views, a timely offer
OnE Promotion Power Bronze Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 25% per sale, USD $1,15 per lead, USD $30,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Bronze Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 20% per sale, USD $1,05 per lead, USD $25,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
OnE Promotion Power Start Monthly settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 30% per sale (redirect tracking link), USD $1,25 per lead, USD $35,- per 100 views, a timely offer
OnE Promotion Power Start Annually settles CPA volume-amount by: pay-per-sale(s) and/or pay-per-lead(s) and/or pay-per-click(s)/call(s) along pay-per-view(s) pricing-cost(s): 25% per sale (redirect tracking link), USD $1,15 per lead, USD $30,- per 100 views, a timely offer.
Your Promotion budget (IM: Internet Marketing budget) maintains mandatory at any active account, fee will apply after any free-offer-time-period.
When/if your Promotion budget is not sufficient you will be alert notified to top-up your Promotion budget. Your One Promotion Power Account may gently be set to a "Public Hidden" status if related Promotion budget reached longer overdue insufficient status.
Over Yonder Cay - Overview from Wilkins & Rock on Vimeo.
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