Cookie Policy

We willingly comply to “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” code of conduct. We do-not-sell personal information but we do need to share order-data for core business functions like applying warranty-, executing payment- and surely its delivery service. All our involved third-parties and/or advertisers also do comply to certain strict GDPR policies within their respective legal form and state of online business representation. and our third-parties, business affiliates and/or advertisers use certain cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help our site(s) provide a better user experience & overall security. There is no existence of commercial Internet possible without cookies. In general cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts and provide ANONYMIZED tracking data to our | third- party applications. So as a rule cookies support and improve your general browsing experience. We all demand to apply at current related legal regulations, code of conduct including its Privacy Law. However, you may prefer to still disable cookies. The most effective way is to disable your Web browser cookies though due you might experience reentry on cart + credential input as an inconvenience.

You can consult the Help section of your browser or check the About Cookies website which offers guidance on all modern Web browsers.

NB: We also strong willingly underwrite latest Modern Slavery Act and demand all our stock- and service suppliers to practice the same strictly.

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